About Us

The LSA SAF (Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis) is part of the distributed EUMETSAT (European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites) Application Ground Segment. It is focused on the development and processing of satellite products that characterize the continental surfaces, such as radiation products, vegetation, evapotranspiration and wild fires

All LSA SAF product are distributed according with EUMETSAT data policy and have been classified as essential and are distributed free of charge for users registered at this website.

The LSA SAF maintains an helpdesk service to answer to any question related to the LSA SAF services and products: helpdesk.landsaf@ipma.pt.

The LSA SAF, hosted by the Portuguese Institute for the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA) is a joint venture of the following NMHSs and Universities together with EUMETSAT:

IPMAInstituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera
RMIRoyal Meteorological Institute
KITKarlsruhe Institute of Technology
VITOFlemish Institute for Technological Research
UVUniversity of Valencia
IDLInstituto Geofisico do Infante Dom Luiz
KCLKing's College London
ARSOSlovenian Environment Agency
NIMHNational Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology