
Information Discontinuation of LSA SAF MSG Daily and 10-daily Surface Albedo products (MDAL, MTAL)  2025/02/14

Discontinuation of LSA SAF MSG Daily and 10-daily Surface Albedo (MDAL, MTAL) products (LSA-101, LSA-102) on the 26th February 2025. Users are encouraged to use Version 2 of these products MDALv2 and MTALv2 that have been available since November 2023. Eumetsat User Notification: 11820

MDALv2/MTALv2 have several enhancements: (i) incorporation of aerosols effects, (ii) SEVIRI bias correction; (iii) Updated SMAC coefficients and processing and (iv) updated narrow- to broadband conversion coefficients.

The daily product is disseminated via Eumetcast with the following file name convention:

The documentation of the MDALv2 product can be found here and it will be available in near-real time and reprocessed since 2004 in both HDF5 and NETCDF4 formats in the LSA SAF data service :



Information Transitioning from METOP-B to METOP-C for the ENDVI10 product generation  2025/01/10

The LSA SAF team is pleased to announce the transitioning from METOP-B to METOP-C for the ENDVI10 product generation to address the effects of radiometric degradation in METOP-B and ensure data continuity and accuracy.  The ENDVI10 product was reprocessed from 01/01/2023 using METOP-C data, replacing the currently available data based on METOP-B (replacement wil take place on the 10th January 2025), providing data continuity since degradation began in the summer of 2023. The METOP-B products for 2023 and 2024 will be available on our Data Server for 6 months. For more details, visit link

Information Release of the EPS 10-daily Surface Albedo Data Record 2008-2021  2024/07/15

The LSA SAF team is pleased to announce the release of the new EPS 10-daily Surface Albedo Data Record available between 2008-01-05 and 2021-06-25 (ETAL-R LSA-152).
The product documentation can be found here.
This data record is consistent with the operational EPS Surface Albedo product (ETAL LSA-103), replacing it in the LSA SAF Data Service between 2015-01-05 and 2021-06-25. Users requiring the operational ETAL (LSA-103) product for that period should contact the LSA SAF Helpesk

Information Operational release of the FREM scheduled for 12 June 2024  2024/05/29

UPDATE 2024/06/12 : First product officially disseminated via Eumetcast for slot 2024-06-12 09UTC (UTC)

The new LSA SAF Fire Radiative Energy eMission Product (FREM) (ID: LSA-507) will be released operationally and available on EUMETCast from 12 June 2024. The new product provides detailed temporal information on emissions rates of CO, CO2, CH4, N2O, total particulate matter and fine particles based on the Fire Radiative Power pixel product (FRP-Pixel). The product spatial resolution is 0.1 degree.

FREM documentation

Information Demonstration release of the new MSG Fire Radiative Energy eMission product (FREM) 2024/05/06

The LSA SAF team is pleased to announce the demonstration release of the new MSG Fire Radiative Energy eMission Product (FREM).

The new FREM product provides detailed temporal information on emissions rates of CO,CO2, CH4, N2O, total particulate matter and fine particles based on the Fire radiative Power pixel product (FRP-Pixel). The product spatial resolution is 0.1 degree and is available in both hourly and daily temporal resolutions.

The documentation of the FREM product can be found here and the data is available in the LSA SAF dataserver in real time and reprocessed since February 2004 with both hourly and daily temporal resolutions in NetCDF4 format. The operational release of the product, including the EUMETCAST dissemination, will be be announced in due course.

The hourly data can be downloaded from:

The daily data can be download from:

Information Fire Detection product to be discontinued on the 24th April 2024 (2024/04/22)

UPDATE 2024/04/24 : Last product disseminated was for slot: 2024-04-24 08:15 (UTC)

LSA SAF is discontinuing the generation of its Fire Detection and Monitoring product (LSA-501). From 24 April 2024, this product will no longer be available and will stop being distributed via EUMETCast.

Users are encouraged to use the LSA SAF Fire Radiative Power (FRP) Pixel product (LSA-502) instead. This product provides FRP estimates derived from MSG SEVIRI observations. It lists the location, timing and FRP of each detected fire.

Contact the LSA SAF Helpdesk for any questions related to the discontinuation of the Fire Detection and Monitoring product or to the use of the FRP Pixel product.

Information Release of  (2024/04/10)

The LSA SAF team is pleased to announce the release of a new version of our website :

This new version includes an upgrade of the webserver infrastruture while maintaining the page design.

Information Operational release (30/11/2023) of new MSG daily and 10-daily surface Albedo version 2 MDALv2/MTALv2  (2023/11/17)

The LSA SAF team is pleased to announce that the operational release of the new MSG daily and 10-daily surface albedo version 2 (MDALv2, MTALv2) is schedule for 30/11/2023

Compared with the current MDAL product, this new product has several enhancements: (i) incorporation of aerosols effects, (ii) SEVIRI bias correction; (iii) Updated SMAC coefficients and processing and (iv) updated narrow- to broadband conversion coefficients.

The daily product will be disseminated via Eumetcast with the following file name convention:

The documentation of the MDALv2 product can be found here and it will be available in near-real time and reprocessed since 2004 in both HDF5 and NETCDF4 formats in the LSA SAF data service :



InformationNew operational data access service and discontinuation of website orders (24/03/2023)

New data service avaliable, old order system discontinued.

InformationRelease of demonstration LSA SAF data access service (17/10/2022)

For direct access to LSA SAF products we recommend using the new HTTP service -

InformationMDSSFTD (LSA-207) update for solar zenith angles higher than 85°(15/02/2022)

The operational production of total downwelling shortwave flux in product MDSSFTD (LSA-207) will be updated on the 15th February 2022 to allow calculations for solar zenith angles higher than 85°, which are currently set to zero. Total downwelling shortwave flux will, then, be computed up to solar zenith angles of 90º, therefore guaranteeing consistency with the MDSSF (LSA-201) product, which will be discontinued on the 23rd February.

Information MDSSFTD (LSA-207) Fix of nighttime missing (05/01/2022) and DSSF (LSA-201) discontinuation (23/02/2022)

We note that night-time values of the total downwelling shortwave flux in product MDSSFTD (LSA-207) are currently set to "missing_value". Please be aware that from the 5th January 2022, night-time total downwelling shortwave flux values will be set to 0 (zero) W.m-2.

Current users of MDSSF (LSA-201) are strongly encouraged to test and use the new MDSSFTD (LSA-207). LSA-201 is expected to be discontinued on the 23rd February 2022.

Further information on the LSA-207 product can be found in the website, and any queries can be sent to our Helpdesk (

Changes in HDF5 dataset names:

HDF5 Fields LSA-201HDF5 Fields LSA-207

InformationMDSSFTD (LSA-207) MSG Total and Diffuse Short-wave Radiation realease as fully operational product (2021/11/29)

Following a thorough validation of data generated over the last 2 years, the MSG total and diffuse short-wave radiation at the surface is upgraded from pre-operation to fully Operational status. The MDSSFTD (LSA-207) product is available:

- every 15-minute;

- on the original SEVIRI/MSG geostationary grid (HDF5 files);

- or on a regular 0.05 x 0.05 degree grid (NetCDF files);

- from 2004 to present, following a back-processing over the SEVIRI/MSG record of observations.

Users of product LSA-201 (MSG short-wave radiation flux at the surface) are strongly encouraged to test and use LSA-207, since LSA-207 will soon supersede product LSA-201.

Please further information on the LSA-207 product, including validation results in the website

Information FRMv2 (LSA-504.2) replaced FRM (LSA-504) on the 22 July (2021/07/22)

Following our announcement on the 7th June, FRMv2 (LSA-504.2) superseded FRM (LSA-504) on the 22nd July. Please refer to the website for more details on the changes.

Information FRMv2 (LSA-504.2) supersedes FRM (LSA-504) on the 22 July (2021/07/08)

Following our announcement on the 24th June, please be aware that FRMv2 (LSA-504.2) will supersede FRM (LSA-504) on 22 July.

Information for LSA SAF NRT FTP users:

Parallel dissemination of FRMv2 to OperationalChain/LSASAF_Products/FRM-PAR will stop, and FRMv2 will superseded FRM in OperationalChain/LSASAF_Products/FRM. Examples :


Information for EUMETCast  users:

Like FRM, FRMv2 will be distributed on EUMETCast Europe. Examples : 


FRMv2 (LSA-504.2) provides an improved assessment of the meteorological fire danger over Mediterranean Europe based LSA-SAF data records of daily released energy by active fires derived from SEVIRI/MSG (i.e., LSA-502, LSA-550). When compared with FRM, FRMv2 provides a better discrimination of fire risk (5 classes instead of 3) and increased forecast range. Please refer to the PUM for the details of the contents of the new products.

The Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI) and respective sub-indices will be also distributed, along with the fire risk, via EumetCast for the Euro domain for steps F024, F048 and F072 and via the LSA SAF NRT FTP rolling archive for steps F024, F048, F072, F096, F120. The dissemination of steps F096 and F120 via Eumetcast will be announced in due time.

Information EUMETCast Distribution of product LSA-001 has been suspended (2021/06/29)

Following our announcement on the 25th May, please be aware that we have suspended the EUMETCast distribution of product MLST, product ID LSA-001.

This product has been superseded by MLST, product ID LSA-004.

For more information on MLST (LSA-004) please see the product webpage at SEVIRI/MSG LST

InformationFRMv2 (LSA-504.2) supersedes FRM (LSA-504) (2021/06/24)

The LSA-SAF team has developed a new version of the Fire Risk Map product (FRMv2, LSA-504.2) to address requrements and feedback from users. Amongst others, FRMv2:

- discriminates 5 classes of risk, instead of the previous 3;

- now provides forecasts of fire risk up to 5-days ahead, instead of up to 3-days ahead;

- includes new layers of information, such as the probability that a fire ignition becomes a very intense event (i.e., its released radiative energy reaches over 2000GJ).

After a long assement of FRMv2 by beta-users, the LSA-SAF informs that FRMv2 will replace FRM in two-weeks time. FRM will then be discontinued.

Information ENDVIv2 (LSA-420) supersedes ENDVI v1 (LSA-410) (2021/06/11)

As was announced in February, a new version of EPS/AVHRR-based NDVI, consisting of a Climate Data Record (CDR) covering the period between May 2007 and December 2019, continuously updated by an Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) from January 2020 onwards would be released:

  • CDR: ENDVIv2-R (product ID LSA-454)
  • ICDR: ENDVIv2 (product ID LSA-420)

We hereby announce that ENDVIv2 (LSA-420) has superseded ENDVI v1 (LSA-410) as of 10 May 2021 onwards and that the production and dissemination of ENDVI v1 was discontinued as per this date. 

The main changes of ENDVIv2 with respect to ENDVI v1 are summarized below:

  • the Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) input for the atmospheric correction was changed and now contains a climatology based on Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service re-analysis AOT data, thereby enabling a more dynamic atmospheric correction compared to ENDVI v1.

Information Upgrade of 15-minute MSG LST product (2021/05/25)

Following previous announcements regarding the upgraded version of the 15-minute MSG LST product, the LSA-SAF team confirms that the new MLST [LSA-004] has superseded LSA-001, from the 27th April 2021 onwards.

Since then, the production of MLST [LSA-001] has been discontinued.

For more details about the new MLST [LSA-004] and data request please visit the LSA SAF website

Information Upgrade of 15-minute MSG LST product (2021/04/21)

Following the announcement sent on the 16th March 2021 regarding the upgraded version of the 15-minute MSG LST product, we would like to inform that the new MLST [LSA-004] will supersede LSA-001 next Tuesday (27th April 2021).

From that date onwards the production of MLST [LSA-001] will be discontinued and will be superseded by the MLST [LSA-004]. This also applies to NRT dissemination and off-line data requests at the LSA SAF website.

For more details about the new MLST [LSA-004] and data request please visit the LSA SAF website:

Information The 15-minute MSG LST product will be ugraded soon (2021/03/16)

An upgraded version of the 15-minute MSG LST product will be available soon to supersede the current MSG LST.

The new coming Operational MLST [LSA-004] is identical to current MLST [LSA-001], i.e., it consists of a 15-min LST product derived using the same split-windows algorithm, but now includes an extra data-layer quantifying the directional effects on LST, namely:  an estimation of the difference between the LST of each scene/pixel as viewed by SEVIRI/MSG with respect to what would be measured by a nadir-only sensor.

For users' convenience both products will be produced in parallel for a 2-month period and made available at our FTP Pull service - please contact our Helpdesk ( to grant access to this service.

Sample files of the new product are also available at the website.

Until further notice only the current MLST product [LSA-001] is available for offline data requests at the LSA SAF website:

The switch from the current operational MLST product [LSA-001] to the new LSA-004 will be announced in due time.

InformationRelease of new MSG product: Daily Surface Emissivity (2021/03/16)

The LSA SAF Team is pleased to announce the release of a new pre-operatioal product:

  • MEMD: MSG-based Surface Emissivity [LSA-006] - available on a daily basis;

Please see respective product documentation for details on algorithms, validation, and product's strengths and limitations: LSA-006.

The product is available through the LSA SAF website:

InformationRelease of new MSG products: All Sky LST and Net Longwave at the Surface (2021/03/16)

The LSA SAF Team is pleased to announce the release of the following new operational products:

  • MLST-AS: MSG-based All Sky LST [LSA-005] - available with a temporal frequency of 30-minutes on operational mode;
  • MNSLF: MSG-based Net Longwave at the Surface [LSA-208] - available on a daily basis.

Please see respective product documentation for details on algorithms, validation, and products' strengths and limitations: LSA-005, LSA-208

Both products are available through the LSA SAF website:

InformationDaily EPS LST promoted to operational status (2021/03/16)

The LSA SAF Team is happy to inform that the EPS-based LST product [LSA-002] has been upgraded to fully operational status.

The product was initially released as pre-operational (by Feb 2017) and since then a few corrections were implemented and the Validation Report was updated.

Please visit our Catalogue to know more about this and other available products.

InformationNew Enhanced NDVI (ENDVI10) version available (2021/02/12)

The LSA SAF is pleased to announce the release of a new version of EPS/AVHRR-based NDVI, consisting of a Climate Data Record (CDR) covering the period between May 2007 and December 2019, which is then continuously updated by an Interim Climate Data Record (ICDR) from January 2020 onwards:

- CDR: ENDVIv2-R (product ID LSA-454)

- ICDR: ENDVIv2 (product ID LSA-420)

ENDVIv2 (LSA-420) will supersede ENDVI v1 (LSA-410); the production of ENDVI v1 will be discontinued on 10 May 2021.

The main changes of ENDVIv2 with respect to ENDVI v1 are summarized below:

- the Aerosol Optical Thickness input for the atmospheric correction was changed and now contains a climatology based on Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service re-analysis AOT data, thereby enabling a more dynamic atmospheric correction compared to ENDVI v1.

Information LSA SAF Products available in NetCDF4 (2020/12/15)

After making the LSA-SAF CDRs available in a regular lat/lon grid (plate-carrer) and NetCDF4 format for the 2004-2015 period, we are now announcing that most of our products generated in NRT since 2016 are also available for download in the same format and projection.

Please refer to our catalogue (filter by “Regular Grid in NetCDF4”) to check for products available in such format.

Information LSA SAF CDRs available in NetCDF4 (2020/09/21)

Following several requests from our users a first set of LSA SAF products is now available in NetCDF4 and re-projected to a regular lat/lon grid (plate-carrer).

Currently the following Climate Data Records (2004-2015) are available in the new format:

  • Daily and ten-daily Albedo: MDAL and MTAL
  • Instantaneous and Daily Surface fluxes: MDIDSLF, MDIDSSF, MDSLF and MDSSF
  • Reference Evapotranspiration: METREF
  • Land Surface Temperature: MLST
  • Daily and ten-daily Vegetation products: MDFVC, MDLAI, MDFAPAR, MTFVC, MTLAI and MTFAPAR

Soon the NRT products will also be available in the same new format and projection.

Please refer to the Product Output Format document to know more about how to read and navigate the LSA SAF products.

Please keep providing your feed-back on the LSA SAF products. Your input is very important to us.

Important MSG and EPS production outages between 2020/09/20 21:15 and 2020/09/21 08:15 UTC(2020/09/21 10:45)

Due to failure on the satellite reception station most of the LSA SAF high-frequency products were not produced between 2020/09/20 21:15 UTC and 2020/09/21 08:15 UTC

InformationFRP Products now available also over the Indian Ocean Region.The dataset dates back to June 2017. (2020/06/02 11:00)

LSA SAF is now monitoring wild fires activity using data from MSG positioned over the Indian Ocean (MSG IODC); FRP-Pixel and FRP Grid products are available in NRT. Users can also order the products offline; the time series starts in June 2017.

InformationRelease of a new product: MSG Total and Diffuse Downward Surface Shortwave Flux (MDSSFTD) (2020/04/03 12:00)

The LSA SAF team is pleased to announce the release of the MDSSFTD (LSA-207) product, an upgrade of the LSA-SAF MDSSF (LSA-201).

The MDSSFTD (LSA-207) product is an instantaneous estimate of the total Downwelling Surface Short-wave radiative Flux (DSSF) in W/m2 and the fraction of the diffuse flux component to the total flux.

MDSSFTD (LSA-207) is now available every 15 minutes, while LSA-SAF MDSSF (LSA-201) is generated with a 30-minute frequency.

The MDSSFTD (LSA-207) is estimated at the native spatial grid of the MSG/SEVIRI instrument and comprises the following datasets:

•    the total DSSF, named ‘DSSF_TOT’;
•    the diffuse fraction of DSSF, named ‘FRACTION_DIFFUSE’;
•    the equivalent spectral AOD at 550nm for the current aerosol load, named ‘AOD’;
•    the opacity of the atmosphere, named ‘OPACITY_INDEX’;
•    the processing quality flags, named ‘Q_FLAG’.

The product is generated in NRT and available at the LSA SAF FTP server within 3-hours after observation. Please contact our helpdesk ( to grant access to this FTP server.

This product will shortly be available through the EUMETSAT broadcast system (EUMETCast). 

InformationChanges on the EUMETCast channels used for distribution of SAF products (2020/03/25 11:45)

EUMETCast channel used for the distribution of LSA SAF data has changed on the 25.03.2020.

For those who have experienced an interruption in the reception of LSA SAF products, please note that this change in EUMETCast channel may require a reconfiguration of the satellite reception stations as described at the EUMETSAT website

Users can download the lost data from lsaf saf website to fill in the gaps in the data caused by these changes.

InformationRelease of FRP Climate Data Records (2020/01/30 11:00)

The LSA SAF Team is pleased to announce the release of the following Climate Data Records (CDR):

  • FRPPixel-R: FRP at pixel level [LSA-550] - available with a temporal frequency of 15-minutes;
  • FRPGrid-R: Gridded FRP [LSA-551] - available in a 5degree grid at hourly basis.

Both CDRs were generated for the 2004-2015 period, covering the full MSG disk (only prime satellite) and using the algorithm of the corresponding near real-time operational products (i.e., FRPPixel/LSA-502 and FRPGrid/LSA-503, respectively).

All datasets are available through the LSA SAF website:

InformationThe NRT METREF (LSA-303) product was processed back to the beginning of 2016 (2020/01/14 11:00)

Now a continuous timeseries is available since 2004:

  • Period 2004-2015 is covered by the demonstration Data Record METREF-R
  • Period from Jan 2016 up to now is covered by the NRT time product METREF

ImportantThe MSG and EPS systems have recently experienced some issues (2019/11/04 10:00)

Products for timeslots between 2019/11/01 12:00 and 2019/11/02 18:30 were either missing or distributed with a considerable delay. 

InformationRelease of new LSA SAF Climate Data Records. (2019/10/08 15:00)

The LSA SAF Team is pleased to announce the release of NEW Climate Data Records (CDR). Please note this set of new CDRs corresponds to demonstrationProducts. These new CDR products are:

  •     MSG Downward Surface Shortwave Flux (MDSSF-R) - available with a temporal frequency of 30-minute;
  •     Daily Downward Surface Shortwave Flux (DIDSSF-R) - available as daily fields;
  •     MSG Downward Surface Longwave Flux (MDSLF-R) - available with a temporal frequency of 30-minute;
  •     Daily Downward Surface Longwave Flux (DIDSLF-R) -  available as daily fields.
  •     Reference Evapotranspiration (METREF-R)  -  available as daily fields.

These CDRs were generated for the 2004-2015 period, covering the full MSG disk (only prime satellite) on a pixel-by-pixel basis, and using the algorithm of the corresponding near real-time operational products (i.e., MDSSF/LSA-201, DIDSSF/LSA-203, MDSLF/LSA-204, DIDSLF/LSA-206 and METREF/LSA-303, respectively).

All datasets are available through the LSA SAF website:

InformationRelease of new products: Sensible Heat Flux (MH) & Latent Heat Flux (MLE).  (2019/10/08 15:00)

The LSA SAF is pleased to announce the release of two new products that contribute to characterize the land-atmosphere interactions:

[LSA-304] - Sensible Heat Flux (MH): accounts for the flux of energy associated to the exchange of heat by convection at the Earth-atmosphere interface (soil + vegetation + water bodies).

[LSA-305] - Latent Heat Flux (MLE): accounts for the flux of energy associated to the exchange of water vapour at the Earth-atmosphere interface (soil + vegetation + water bodies). Latent heat flux is the heat flux associated to evapotranspiration.

InformationVegetation Products derived from Metop/AVHRR promoted to Operational Status.  (2019/10/08 15:00)

The set of 10-daily Vegetation Products derived from Metop/AVHRR have been promoted to Operational Status:

  • [LSA-403] - EPS Fraction of Vegetation Cover (ETFVC)
  • [LSA-406] - EPS Leaf Area Index (ETLAI)
  • [LSA-409] - EPS Fraction of photosynthetically Active Radiation (ETfAPAR)

The products were initially released as pre-operational (by May 2018) and since then a few corrections were implemented and the Validation Report was updated.

ImportantPossible outage/delays of MSG products - 2019/07/09   (2019/07/04 10:00)

LSA SAF is planning maintenance activities on the MSG processing chain next Tuesday (09/07/2019).

There is a risk of production and dissemination delays for repeat cycles between 09:00 and 13:00UTC.

InformationThe 10-daily EPS Albedo (ETAL) [LSA-103] has been promoted to operational status. (2019/05/06 13:00)

The product was initially released as pre-operational (by Feb 2017) and since then a few corrections were implemented and the documentation updated.

Warning Inconsistencies in MET and DMET products.  (2019/04/30 15:00)

The project team is investigating the cause for some inconsistencies found in MET and DMET which affected the product quality for the following periods:



InformationRelease of enhanced MSG Evapotranspiration (ET) products. (2019/03/20)

The LSA SAF is pleased to announce the release of enhanced MSG Evapotranspiration (ET) products:

  • MET [LSA-311] : instantaneous evapotranspiration (every 30-minutes) and
  • DMET [LSA-312] : daily evapotranspiration composites.

In the new products, the main improvements to the Evapotranspiration algorithm concern mostly the input data, with a reinforced use of satellite data. Vegetation information is provided by LSA SAF MSG LAI (Leaf Area Index) and FVC (Fraction of Vegetation Cover) updated on a daily basis. Soil moisture information is derived from two complementary sources: H SAF SM-DAS-2 (Soil Moisture Profile Index in the roots region retrieved by surface wetness scatterometer assimilation method) and LSA SAF MSG LST (Land Surface Temperature) products.

The distribution of the new MET product [LSA-311] via EUMETCast has started on the 20th February 2019.

From now on the new versions of both products (MET and DMET) are also available for download at our website.

InformationRelease of LSA SAF Climate Data Records.(2019/03/13)

The LSA SAF Team is pleased to announce the release of the following Climate Data Records (CDR):

  •     MSG Land Surface Temperature, product LSA-050 (MLST-R) - available with a temporal frequency up to 15-minute;
  •     MSG 10-days Albedo, product LSA-150 (MTAL-R) -  available as 10-daily fields.

These CDRs were generated for the 2004-2015
period, covering the full MSG disk (only prime satellite) on a pixel-by-pixel basis, and using the algorithm of the corresponding near real-time operational products (i.e., MLST/LSA-001 and MTAL/LSA-102, respectively).

The LSA SAF also makes available MSG daily Albedo reprocessed for the same 2004-2015 period, which constituted the main input to MTAL-R.

All datasets are available through the LSA SAF website:

InformationAn enhanced MSG Evapotranspiration (MET) product will come soon.(2019/02/28)

By the 20th of February a new version of the Evapotranspiration product [LSA-311] was released and is currently distributed via EUMETCast in parallel with the current operational MET product [LSA-301].

After 20 March 2019 the new MET product [LSA-311] will supersede the current one [LSA-301].

In the new product, the main improvements to the Evapotranspiration algorithm concern mostly the input data, with a reinforced use of satellite data. Vegetation information is provided by LSA SAF MSG LAI (Leaf Area Index) and FVC (Fraction of Vegetation Cover) and updated on a daily basis, and soil moisture information is derived from two complementary sources: H SAF SM-DAS-2 (Soil Moisture Profile Index in the roots region retrieved by surface wetness scatterometer assimilation method) and LSA SAF MSG LST (Land Surface Temperature) products.

InformationNew Vegetation Product - Gross Primary Production derived from MSG/SEVIRI (2018/09/26)

We are pleased to announce the release of a new operational vegetation product derived from MSG/SEVIRI measurements, the Gross Primary Production (MGPP):

  • MSG 10-days Gross Primary Production (MGPP), product LSA-411 (MGPP)

This product is generated at 10-day temporal resolution for the full spatial resolution of the MSG/SEVIRI instrument. 

The Gross Primary Production corresponds to the rate at which vegetation converts light into chemical energy by photosynthesis. It is an essential parameter to characterize the ecosystem processes. 

InformationNew Vegetation Products derived from Metop/AVHRR (2018/05/11)

We are pleased to announce the release of a set of pre-operational products derived from Metop/AVHRR measurements:

  • EPS Fraction of Vegetation Cover, product LSA-403 (ETFVC)
  • EPS Leaf Area Index, product LSA-406 (ETLAI)
  • EPS Fraction of photosynthetically active Radiation, product LSA-409 (ETfAPAR)

These products correspond to 10-daily updates of the 3 vegetation parameters: FVC, LAI and fAPAR and are available in a global 1km sinusoidal grid.

InformationRelease of Vegetation Data Records derived from MSG  (2018/05/11)

The MSG vegetation products (FVC, LAI and fAPAR) were reprocessed for the period 2004-2015 to provide users with an homogeneous time-series. The validation of these data records are detailed in the Validation Report for the 2004-2012 period.

The following LSA SAF Data Records have been released:

  • MSG 10-days Fraction of Vegetation Cover, product LSA-450 (MTFVC-R)
  • MSG 10-days Leaf Area Index, product LSA-451 (MTLAI-R)
  • MSG 10-day Fraction of Absorved Photosyntethic Active Radiation, product LSA-452 (MTfAPAR-R)

These data records correspond to 10-daily updates of the 3 vegetation parameters: FVC, LAI and fAPAR and are available for the earth disk covered by the prime MSG satellite.

InformationGeo-referencing offset in the LSA SAF MSG products will be corrected on the 6th December 2017   (2017/12/05 15:08)
An offset of 1.5 km North and 1.5 km West has been identified in SEVIRI Level 1.5 images for all spectral channels with respect to the reference coastline. This does not invalidate the absolute accuracy of the image data and of the MSG based products, which remain within specification (3 km).

An update of the SEVIRI Image Processing Facility to correct this offset (by shifting the SEVIRI images by 1.5 km South and 1.5 km East) will be operational on the 6th Dec. Hence the LSA SAF MSG based products will also benefit from this update.
InformationNew LSA SAF products available   (2017/10/30 12:09)

We are pleased to announce the release of new LSA SAF operational products based on MSG measurements.

Derived Land Surface Temperature (DLST) products provide 10-day syntheses of MSG/SEVIRI LST in the form of temporal composites (LSA-003A) and thermal surface parameters (TSP; LSA-003B), both with an improved spatial continuity. In contrast to individual LST observations, TSP summarise the thermal behaviour of the land surface: therefore, they are readily combined and analysed with other space-derived parameters, e.g. vegetation indices, land cover maps and burn scar maps, to additionally provide applications with thermal information.

InformationMSG Toolbox v2.0 available for download   (2017/10/13 11:18)

The LSA SAF is pleased to announce the release of the new version of the MSG Toolbox software.
MSG Toolbox is a software intended to prepare operational LSA-SAF products for further analysis and use in GIS and Remote Sensing software, in particular by preparing temporal composites and/or by remapping to geographic lat/lon coordinate system and reformatting.

The main change in this second release is the support for LSA-SAF products with coverage of the full MSG Disk.

ImportantPossible outage/delays of LSA SAF products - 2017/07/19   (2017/07/17 13:40)

Next Wednesday (19th July 2017) between 09:00 and 15:00 UTC there is a high risk of missing and/or delayed products due to a planned upgrade on the MSG processing system.

ImportantPossible outage/delays of LSA SAF products - 2017/07/05   (2017/07/03 14:28)

Next Wednesday (5th July 2017) between 13:00 and 16:00 UTC there is a high risk of missing and/or delayed products due to a planned upgrade on the network assets at IPMA's processing centre.

During the following hours and until the 6th July 2017 the upgrade intervention shall continue which might cause some punctual delays on the products distribution. 

UpdateUpdate on Website Users Database   (2017/06/14 11:28)

The LSA SAF is revisiting the database of users registered in the website. 

All the accounts associated to invalid e-mails were canceled.

Duplicate user registrations (associated to a same e-mail account) were also removed.

InformationWebsite Maintenance   (2017/03/22 16:35)
Maintenance activities on the LSA SAF website are planed for tomorrow (2017/03/23). A disruption of less than 1 hour is expected between 09:00 and 12:00 UTC.
InformationNew LSA SAF products available   (2017/02/27 11:40)

We are pleased to announce the release of the following pre-operational products derived from Metop/AVHRR measurements:

  • Land Surface Temperature, product LSA-002 (EDLST), corresponding to daily updates of night-time and daytime LST made available on a global 1km sinusoidal grid.
  • Albedo, product LSA-103 (ETAL), corresponding to 10-daily updates of land surface albedo made available on a global 1km sinusoidal grid..
  • Snow Cover, product H-32, corresponding to daily updates of land surface pixel classification (snow-covered, snow-free, cloud-covered/non-classified) on a global 0.01ºx0.01º regular grid. This product is generated by the LSA SAF system on behalf of the H-SAF (
InformationNew LSA SAF product available - Daily Reference Evapotranspiration    (2017/02/07 11:08)

We are pleased to announce the release of a new LSA SAF operational product based on the MSG/SEVIRI instrument: Reference Evapotranspiration (METREF).

The METREF is produced on a daily basis and is freely available via the Downloading page or via ftp pull service upon request to

METREF is suitable for water management, drought and climate monitoring.

InformationLSA SAF production outage   (2016/07/13 10:07)

Due to a power supply failure at the IPMA's facilities the LSA SAF production was suspended from 2016/07/12 18:00 to 2016/07/12 23:45.

The following products were not produced during this period:

The daily products of 2016/07/12 might also be affected by the low number of available observations during that day.

The FRM products were not affected by this event. 

InformationUpdate on pre-processing of forecasted atmospheric inputs    (2016/07/07 15:28)

A minor bug in the pre-processing of data that serves as input to some LSA SAF products has been identified and corrected. The error was related to the reprojection of atmospheric forecast data to satellite grid in coastal regions: under some conditions the interpolation algorithm was wrongly using information from grid-points over sea.

This issue affects particularly products that explicitly use NWP forecasts, such as LST, DSSF, DSLF, ET and FRP.

The algorithm has been corrected and implemented from timeslot 2016/07/07 00:00UTC onwards.

UpdateNew version of FVC and LAI algorithms   (2016/07/06 12:34)

The LSA SAF team would like to announce that the daily and 10-daily vegetation products (FVC, LAI) have been upgraded by the 6th July
The new algorithm provides a more accurate identification of the vegetation and soil components, which reduces a positive bias of FVC and LAI values for South America and South Africa regions, and also improves the consistency with other satellite based products. A new condition has been added to better identify pixels with residual snow over Europe.

InformationLSA SAF: MSG production outages    (2016/05/12 09:31)

Due to missing MSG images most of the LSA SAF high-frequency products were not produced yesterday, 11/05/2016 between 07:00 and 12:30 UTC. This issue preceded other period with missing and delayed products (between 10:45 and 12:30 UTC) caused by a planned maintenance activity in the operational processing chain. 

UpdateLSA SAF New Operational Product   (2016/04/08 08:35)

LSA SAF New Operational Product ENDVI: 10-day NDVI synthesis estimated from AVHRR/Metop.

ENDVI10 is available:

  • in Near Real Time (LSA-410) and
  • as a Climate Data Record starting in March 2007 (LSA-453).
InformationWebsite Upgrade   (2016/03/09 14:26)
LSA SAF website is currently being updated. A disruption of about 5 minutes is expected during the next few hours. The improvements on the website include a more complete description of the FRP products.
InformationMSG spacecraft anomaly and LSA SAF production outage   (2015/11/19 10:14)

Due to a spacecraft anomaly on MSG3 the nominal service was shifted to MSG1 on 2015/11/15.

This event was associated with a delay in the reconfiguration of the LSA SAF system to operate the backup satellite, which caused an outage in the high frequency products from 2015/11/15 03:30UTC to 2015/11/15 15:30UTC.
Products affected: LST, DSSF, DSLF, FRP-PIXEL, FRP-GRID, ET and FD&M.

The daily products from  2015/11/15 might also be affected by the low number of available observations during that day.

The LSA SAF products were produced with MSG1 data from 2015/11/15 15:45UTC to 2015/11/18 11:45UTC when the nominal service resumed to MSG3.

The FRM products were not affected by this event. 

ImportantLSA SAF - MSG System Upgrade - Final Announcement   (2015/11/10 14:35)
The LSA SAF will upgrade the operational MSG production system by tomorrow (11/Nov/2015).
Missing and/or delayed products are expected during the system migration (08:00-15:00 UTC).
The website might also be unavailable for about one hour during this period.
ImportantLSA SAF - MSG System Upgrade   (2015/10/27 11:32)

The LSA SAF will upgrade the operational MSG production system by 11/Nov/2015.

Product outages are expected during the system migration (08:00-15:00 UTC).


· Products generated for the full MSG disk.

· Product Output Format: HDF5 upgraded to V1.8.11.

· More reliable operational system (less outages are expected).

· No changes in the product algorithms except for FRP products (reformulated software packages with minor bug corrections).



· No significant impact is foreseen.

· Products will be disseminated through EUMETCast in the same geographical regions: NAfr, SAfr, SAme, Euro.

· A test dataset with products generated by the new LSA SAF - MSG system is available

FTP Push & FTP Pull Services

· Products will be disseminated in a single region: MSG-Disk (the 4 geographical areas will be discontinued). 

· Dimensions of the new region: 3712X3712 pixels.

· Larger file sizes (full disk).

· A test dataset with products generated by the new LSA SAF - MSG system is available

Off-line data request (website)

· New products will be available for a single region: MSG-disk (the 4 geographical areas will be discontinued).

· Dimensions of the new region: 3712X3712 pixels.

· Larger file sizes (full disk).

· Archived products generated by the old system will remain available in the former 4 geographical regions.

Update6th LSA SAF Workshop   (2015/09/15 14:17)

6th LSA SAF Workshop - Presentations available

Presentations from the 6th LSA SAF Workshop that took place in Reading last June are now available in the LSA SAF web page.

Update6th LSA SAF Workshop   (2015/05/14 15:13)

6th LSA SAF Workshop - Programme available

The programme for the 6th LSA SAF Workshop to be held at the University of Reading (UK) from 8th to 10th June 2015 is now available .

Special NoteLSA SAF 2015 User Survey   (2015/03/18 10:00)

The user´s assessment of LSA SAF products and service is very important for the continuity and preparation of LSA SAF future activities. Taking this into account the LSA SAF has prepared an online questionnaire, available at:

We kindly ask you to follow this link and take a few minutes to complete our questionnaire.

Please note the introduced data are not kept until you click the key submit at the end of the questionnaire but this must only be done when the questionnaire is finished.
Information6th LSA SAF Workshop   (2015/02/04 11:59)

The 6th LSA SAF Workshop will be held at the University of Reading (UK) from 8th to 10th June 2015.

(Deadline for abstract submission: 27 April 2015)

InformationNominal service shift to MSG3   (2014/12/09 12:41)

During the period between 08/12/2014 00:00 and 08:30 UTC LSASAF products were not generated due to the reception of corrupted MSG images.
The swap back to MSG3 has been anticipated to Monday 08/12/2014 at 09:30 UTC following a contingency. This caused an interruption of nominal service until 15:30.

The normal operations were resumed 08/12/2014 at 15:45UTC.

InformationNominal service shift to MSG1   (2014/11/27 17:31)

From 02 December 2014 09:00 UTC to 09 December 2014 09:00 UTC MSG nominal service will shift from MSG3 to MSG1.
During this period the LSA SAF production will be based on the MSG1 image data.
There is a small risk of interruptions, to the LSA SAF production, during the shift operations.

ImportantWebsite Upgrade   (2014/10/28 18:09)
Dear LSA-SAF users, We are currently updating our website. During the next two days it is expected a disruption of about one hour. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. The LSA-SAF team.
ImportantLSA SAF system possible interruptions.   (2014/09/30 13:25)
Due to essential maintenance and upgrade of the SCISYS system (VCS), that will occur from 30/09/2014 at 14:00 UTC to 02/10/2014 at 18:00 UTC, there is a medium risk of production interruptions of the LSA SAF System.
InformationDissemination of FRP (Fire Radiative Power) products resumed.   (2014/09/29 16:19)

Following LSA SAF message from 2013/05/21 16:00, the dissemination of FRP (Fire Radiative Power) products is resumed.

Please be aware that FRP products generation between 19.02.2014 and 04.06.2014 was impacted by a code error and therefore these data should not be used.

Special NoteOn Tuesday, December the 3rd 2013, offline products distribution shall be resumed via website.   (2013/11/29 17:45)

On Tuesday, December the 3rd 2013, offline products distribution shall be resumed via website. Products from 2009 onward will be made available.

Note that, the Website offline distribution service will be provided on a trial basis and can be turned off at any time. However, LSA SAF team will do its best effort to keep it running until the new archive system is operational.

InformationEssential maintenance intervention on IPMA?s Internet link   (2013/06/26 16:13)

An essential maintenance intervention on IPMA?s Internet link is schedule for tomorrow (27-06-2013) at 06:00 UTC.
From 06:00 till 07:30 UTC there is a high risk of interruption of the connection to the internet and LSA SAF products will be distributed with a delay.
During the rest of the day small outages might be expected but with no significant impact on the LSA SAF distribution.

ImportantDissemination of the Fire Radiative Power products suspended until further notice   (2013/05/21 16:00)

The dissemination of the FRP (Fire Radiative Power) products will be suspended until further notice.

A bug in the FRP code prevented the algorithm to work as expected after the transition from MSG2 to MSG3 satellite. The period affected by this bug started in19th of February.

Measures to correct it are under way, but a solution may take some time to be implemented. Reprocessing is being considered.

Users will be informed of any developments.

WarningIPMA Firewall upgrade   (2013/04/19 10:56)
An upgrade of IPMA Firewall is schedule for next Tuesday (23-04-2013) at 09:00 UTC with a foreseeable duration of up to 2 hours. LSA SAF services will be stopped during the intervention.
InformationLSA SAF system MSG2 to MSG3 migration   (2013/02/18 10:00)

The final tests of LSA SAF system working with MSG3 will be perform today (18-02-2013). There is a medium risk of outage during this day.

By the end of the day it is expected that the LSA SAF system is fully operational with the MSG3.

InformationLSA SAF database maintenance   (2013/02/04 17:26)

An essential maintenance intervention on the LSA SAF Database system is schedule for next Wednesday (06-02-2013) at 09:30 UTC , with a foreseeable duration of up to 8 hours.

During this period, small outages are to be expected.

ImportantChange in LSA SAF lead NMS name   (2012/08/29 10:50)

Please note, that as a consequence of the change of the former Institute of Meteorology to the new Portuguese Sea and Atmosphere Institute (Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera - IPMA) the corresponding internet domain changed from to, as well as the email address (example changed to Reception of emails sent to will be guaranteed for some time.

For more information, doubts, or problem reporting, don?t hesitate to contact our Helpdesk.

ImportantLSA SAF Products web dissemination service resumed.   (2012/06/15 14:46)

Following the tentative to open the web dissemination services last March, resulting in a crash of the interim storage system, a new archive system is now being tested.

For this test, a limited sample of LSA SAF data is available, namely the full year of 2010 and 2012 from 08-05-2012 13:30 till present.

For data retrieval, the only ordering method available will be the Random slot ordering.

Please allow for 24 hours for the reception of the data. If after this period the data is not available please try again.

WarningLSA SAF Products WEB Dissemination service stopped   (2012/03/09 11:40)

The interim storage system currently being used by the LSA SAF was unable to cope with the high volume of products requested through the WEB page. As consequence, the automatic dissemination through the WEB page was suspended and will continue so, for an undetermined period of time.

Meanwhile, the LSA SAF team will continue to process requests made directly to the Helpdesk ( ).

The project team is working on a solution to reactivate the Web dissemination as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

InformationLSA SAF Products web dissemination service resumed.   (2012/03/07 11:19)

Following the problems detected in the IM Archive System, namely the degradation on data transfer, incompatible with the automatic off-line dissemination, it was necessary to suspend it, at the end of 2011 (see news on 14-12-2011).

As it was stated in the same new, a non-hierarchal new archive system, fully compatible with the next phase of operations, CDOP2 starting in March 2012, it is planned and it will be implemented during 2012.

In meantime LSA SAF products, up to 2011 and all products of 2012, have already been transferred from the IM Archive System to an external interim storage system, called SAAB, which will be used to support the automatic off-line dissemination, including web distribution services.

The transfer of all remaining products (January to December 2011), still on the IM Archive, is running and the data will be progressively made available in the SAAB.

The SAAB system has some limitations in the performance but, in general, shall be able to respond to all user requests, even if increasing a bit the response time.

UpdateLSA SAF Products web dissemination service stopped.   (2012/02/01 16:31)
LSASAF system is making use of the Institute of Meteorology (IM) archive system which is based on a 10-years old technology.

IM archive system is an expensive hierarchal solution, requiring proprietary software, which has always presented some problems, is now working in a degraded mode, incompatible with automatic web dissemination of LSA SAF products.

To increase the performance of the actual IM Archive system it would be necessary to invest a considerable amount of financial resources. Non-hierarchal archive systems are now more powerful and can be acquired at reasonable prices.

A non-hierarchal new archive system, LAS (LSASAF Archive System) is planned to be implemented and shall be fully compatible with the next phase of operations, starting in March 2012 (CDOP2). No more investment will be done in the old solution, except the strictly necessary to assure the retrieve of all data.

All LSA SAF products are being transferred from IM Archive System to an external interim storage system called SAAB (ready up to 2010). Later all data will be transferred to LAS and SAAB will remain as a backup.

The SAAB system testing is expected to be finish within the next two weeks and after that, if tests are successful, will be used to support the automatic web dissemination.

Users will be informed when the distribution web service is back.
InformationFire Risk Map   (2012/02/01 15:13)
The product RFM (Risk of Fire Mapping), renamed to FRM (Fire Risk Map), has been updated and is now producing forecasts for 24, 48 and 72 hours.
WarningIM Archive system intervention.   (2012/01/10 19:34)
A urgent intervention on the IM archive system, is schedule for tomorrow (11-01-2012) at 08:00 UTC and with a foreseeable duration of up to 3 hours. LSA SAF services will be stopped during the intervention.
WarningLSA SAF Products web dissemination service stopped.   (2011/12/14 18:51)
Due a detected degradation on the performance of the archive system, and in order to monitor the problem and allow maintenance, the access to the LSA SAF storage data will be disable till further notice. Other dissemination methods will not be affected.
UpdateLSA SAF Products web dissemination service stopped.   (2011/11/17 17:15)
The archive system is back to nominal after maintenance. Nominal service was resumed on 15-11-2011. The LSA SAF Web dissemination was resumed today.
WarningLSA SAF Products web dissemination service stopped.    (2011/11/11 12:07)
Due a detected degradation on the performance of the archive system, and in order to monitor the problem and allow maintenance, the access to the LSA SAF storage data will be disable till next Tuesday (15-11-2011).
InformationLSA SAF Week - 21 to 25 November 2011   (2011/11/10 17:24)

From 21 to 25 November 2011, the SAF for Land Surface Applications (LSA-SAF) will present itself by organising an event week in which presenters will explain the applications, validation and the access to the various products developed.

This event week will consist of several online sessions given by different institutes represented in the SAF.
Participation is free of cost, you are however asked to register.
Please go to eumetrain to find more details about this event.

WarningLSA SAF database maintenace   (2011/07/19 09:39)
LSA SAF database maintenance it's necessary on MSG chain. During this period the risk of interruptions is high. Some outage periods are expected during the morning.
ImportantVCS intervention   (2011/06/08 13:12)

Following several outage events, occurred during this week, cause by instability issues in the satellite reception system (VCS), an extraordinary intervention on the VCS system is schedule for tomorrow (2011-06-09). No downtimes are expected, but there is the risk for small interruptions in both the reception and the distribution.
From now on till the intervention, the VCS system will be more strictly monitored by VCS technicians in order to avoid or minimize further outage events.

ImportantLSA SAF outage   (2011/06/08 11:32)

Since the beginning of this week, several interruptions to the LSA SAF production were registered. These interruptions were caused by an anomaly of the satellite reception system (VCS) preventing the normal flow of satellite images to the LSA SAF systems.
The satellite reception system is schedule to be updated within the next few days.

ImportantIM Archive system maintenance.   (2011/03/02 11:47)
The IM archive maintenance was completed successfully and LSA SAF operations were resumed at 09:50 UTC (timeslot <> 09:30).
ImportantIM Archive system maintenance.   (2011/02/28 18:21)
A maintenance intervention on the IM archive system, schedule for 02-03-2011 at 08:00 UTC and with a foreseeable duration of up to 4 hours will force LSA SAF operations to halt. If the down time of the archive system surpasses the 2 hour mark, the LSA SAF operations will resume normal service based on the interim system.
InformationLSA SAF Outage   (2010/12/06 19:51)
Due to the electrical problems that, yesterday, affect some systems in particular the archive system, all LSA SAF production was stopped from 201012050715 till 201012052115. As a result of the archive crash one critical file system for the EPS chain is damaged and production is still halted. EPS production is expected to be resume by the end of tomorrow morning.
InformationLSA SAF Outage   (2010/10/18 18:31)
Due to a internet connection problem the LSA SAF dissemination was interrupted, today, from 01:45 till 03:15 (Timeslot).
UpdateMSG Images   (2010/10/15 15:02)
The problem occurred on the 12-10-2010 around 0900, that lead to the production outage, has been solved since 12-10-2010 around 1700 using an alternative configuration for the satellite receiving station. Meanwhile our technicians continue to work on the subject.
InformationMSG Images   (2010/10/12 12:26)
Due to a problem on accessing the satellite images we are not producing since 09:15 UTC.
ImportantLSA SAF maintenance   (2010/09/28 16:25)
On the 29th of September (Wednesday), it is scheduled a LSA SAF maintenance, from 09:00 till 12:30 (UTC), that will include a Webpage and a System maintenance. During the maintenance, the webpage will be offline for a period up to 2 hours, to accommodate a hardware upgrade, and for periods up to 10 minutes for testing purposes. The LSA SAF System will have a downtime of approximately 30 minutes for servicing.
ImportantLSA SAF maintenance   (2010/09/28 16:25)
On the 29th of September (Wednesday), it is scheduled a LSA SAF maintenance, from 09:00 till 12:30 (UTC), that will include a Webpage and a System maintenance. During the maintenance, the webpage will be offline for a period up to 2 hours, to accommodate a hardware upgrade, and for periods up to 10 minutes for testing purposes. The LSA SAF System will have a downtime of approximately 30 minutes for servicing.
InformationNew Pre-Operational Algorithms   (2010/07/21 15:50)
It is now available the following products:

Daily Downward Surface Shortwave Flux (v0.3)
Daily Downward Surface Longwave Flux (v0.3)
Daily Evapotranspiration (v0.3)
InformationTraining Module on Monitoring Vegetation from Space.   (2010/07/13 12:52)

LandSAF has developed an e-learning module for EUMeTRAIN Project. The training module gives an overall view on the use of Meteorological satellite data for monitoring vegetation cover and properties. It was thought for a broad community and allows users to learn new concepts and techniques in a set of interactive exercises and examples.

InformationNew product ordering feature available   (2010/06/02 12:18)

Since the 1st of June the LSA SAF webpage presents a new feature concerning the product ordering system accessible through the Download menu.

This new feature consists on separating the Long time series orders from the already existent random slot ordering.

Users can now get a long time series just by specifying the series date interval, the product and area of choice (i.e. without having to select the specific slots after a search on the catalogue).

For more information, doubts, or problem reporting, don’t hesitate to contact our helpdesk.

ImportantMaintenance intervention   (2010/05/06 15:33)
A preliminary maintenance intervention on the database system will take place today (06/05/2010) between 14:30 UTC and 17:30 UTC. During this period the risk of interruptions to the LSA SAF nominal service is high. The final intervention is schedule to take place on 12/05/2010.
InformationLSA SAF news broadcasting service   (2010/04/29 15:56)

From this moment on, news messages announced in the LSA SAF Webpage shall be emailed to the interested users.

To start/quit receiving emails from the Webpage regarding a given subject (namely news concerning specific products), users must access their profile in the LSA SAF Webpage and update it accordingly.

ImportantNew version of the ET Algorithm (ver 4.0.3)   (2010/04/09 11:05)

Implemented 2 minor modifications allowing to distinguish between sea/space pixels and non-processed pixels over land (in current version -4.0.2- non-processed pixels over land, sea and space pixels had the same QF (-1)).

Memory allocation procedure has been enhanced.

ImportantEUMETCast maintenace   (2010/04/06 12:33)

The EUMETCast service provider will perform maintenance on the internet access in the following time period:

Start: 8 Apr 2010 01:00 (UTC)

End: 8 Apr 2010 03:30 (UTC)


During this period the data delivery by EUMETCast may be interrupted for periods up to 30 minutes.

For more information please contact EUMETSAT via the usual channels.

InformationFRP-GRID is now formaly PRE-OPERATIONAL   (2010/03/30 11:40)

On the 23th of March the FRP-GRID product has been declared PRE-OPERATIONAL by LSA SAF Steering Group.

For more information regarding this product, check the Product description page

UpdateLSA SAF Webpage maintenance   (2010/03/24 12:30)
The hardware replacement that was scheduled for today between 11:00 and 11:30 (UTC Time) was postponed until further notice due to unforeseen configuration problems in the new hardware.
InformationLSA SAF Webpage maintenance   (2010/03/22 17:04)
On the 24th of March (Wednesday), it is scheduled a LSA SAF Webpage maintenance that will include switching to new and improved hardware. The maintenance period should last between 11:00 am and 11:30 am (UTC time).
ImportantNew version of the ET algorithm (ver. 4.0.2)   (2010/02/08 15:00)

The values for the following attributes were changed: 
-SATELLITE: MSG (10 times) = > SATELLITE: MSG2  

ImportantNew version of the ET algorithm (ver. 4.0.1)   (2009/11/23 12:30)

- Avoid negative ET values and to set missing ET values effectively to -1 instead of -10000 == ET*scaling_factor. 
- Account for a DLSF QF value that lead to unprocessed lines in early morning and night.. 

UpdateLSA SAF Database maintenance    (2009/11/11 17:00)
The intervention on the databases is finished and nominal service was resumed at 15:15 (repeat cycle). All the slots lost during the intervention will be reprocessed as soon as possible.
WarningLSA SAF Database maintenance    (2009/11/11 09:30)
A database maintenance for the MSG system is scheduled for today. Starting at 2009-11-11 09:30 (UTC) and end at 2009-11-11 16:30 (U TC). During this period the risk of interruptions is high. Some outage periods are expected during the morning.
ImportantLSA SAF Dissemination resumed   (2009/10/20 17:38)
A new dissemination schema was implemented today, consisting of three independent systems with new and more powerful machines. This will not only avoid the overload problems that were felt in the last two weeks, but will also contain possible problems to one of the systems without affecting the others. All the dissemination processes were resumed today. All the data that was not disseminated during the outage will be made available as soon as possible.
InformationLSA SAF Dissemination interruption   (2009/10/07 19:14)
An overload of the dissemination system, due to an unusual large amount of user requests, caused the LSA SAF dissemination outage since 10:30 UTC till 16:30 UTC. The problem is contained and measures will be taken, in the next couple of days, to avoid this type of situation. Dissemination through is suspended until further notice.
InformationThe FRPPixel is now formally OPERATIONAL   (2009/10/02 12:21)

The FRPPixel product has been declared operational on 01/10/2009.
More detailed information, regrading the algorithm and the FRP product, can be obtained from the documents available from the Document List

Important LSA SAF outage   (2009/09/28 10:28)
Due to a problem with the ECMWF data the LSA SAF production was interrupted from 14:00 (RC) on 26/09/2009 till 15:30 (RC) on 27/09/2009. Backlog-processing will be done as soon as possible. (RC=repeat cycle)
Important LSA SAF outage   (2009/09/19 11:50)
Due to a corrupted file the LSA SAF production was interrupted from 21:00 (RC) on 18/009/2009 till 09:15 (RC) on 19/09/2009. Backlog-processing will be done as soon as possible. (RC=repeat cycle)
ImportantNew version of the FRPPIXEL algorithm (ver. 1.3)   (2009/09/14 16:25)

- Modification of the FRP estimation and implementation of a new method for the estimation of the FRP error. 
- Global and dataset attributes checked and updated as needed. 
- Storing of all error terms (as requested by Martin). 
- Bug fix for one term of the FRP error. 
- Fixed bugs on the dataset labels. 
- Correction of some attributes value to be compliant with the UMARF specifications.

ImportantNew version of the ET algorithm (ver. 4.0)   (2009/09/09 17:20)

- Runs over full MSG disk(4 regions) while V03 only over Europe 
- Corrections of instabilities that in version 03 led to systematic non-processed areas. 
- Generates skin temperature as additional output.

InformationLSA SAF outage   (2009/09/07 11:41)
A crash of one of the data base machines caused an interruption of the LSA SAF production from 13:15 till 17:00 on 06/09/2009.
InformationLSA SAF Dissemination interruption   (2009/09/04 15:11)
The dissemination of the LSA SAF products was interrupted from 20:45 (RC) on 03/09/2009 till 03:30 (RC) on 04/09/2009. There were also partial interruptions to the production from 02:00 till 03:15 (RC). (RC=repeat cycle)
InformationMeteosat-9 safe mode on 15/08/2009   (2009/08/21 16:41)
Following the triggering of a Meteosat-9 safe mode on 15/08/2009 at 05:00 (RC), the LSA SAF system production was shifted to Meteosat-8 at 12:15 (RC). The service swapped from Meteosat-8 back to Meteosat-9 on 21/08/2009 at 08:00 and the LSA SAF system shifted to Meteosat-9 at 08:45 (RC). (RC=repeat cycle)
ImportantLSA SAF outage   (2009/08/19 16:38)
A problem with one of the VCS machines caused a delay in the arrival of the HRIT segments over Europe. All products over Europe were affected from 17/08/2009 21:15 till 18/08/2009 08:30 (repeat cycle). Backlog-processing will be done as soon as possible.
ImportantLSA SAF outage   (2009/08/11 16:33)
Due to a spurious power surge that affected the network equipment (network cards and switch) the LSA SAF production was interrupted from 10:45 till 16:00 (repeat cycle) on 10/08/2009. Backlog-processing will be done as soon as possible.
Special NoteLSA-SAF Forum available!   (2009/07/07 16:03)
The new LSA-SAF forum is now online. Visit and leave a comment about the LSA-SAF products. To visit the forum, click the "Forum" link on the News section of the menu to the left. Use your LSA-SAF username and password to log in to the forum.
ImportantNew version of the DSLF algorithm (ver. 6.1)   (2009/07/06 11:36)
The algorithm used by the LSA SAF to estimate Downward Surface Longwave Fluxes (DSLF) from SEVIRI/MSG was revised following the rational described in  SAF LAND IM ATBD DSLF 0.2 The operational production of SEVIRI/MSG based DSLF (MDSLF) will be changed accordingly on 07/07/2009.
InformationLSA SAF degraded mode due to ECMWF intervention between 15-16 July 2009   (2009/07/01 16:57)
Due to scheduled ECMWF interventions between 15-16 July 2009, the Land SAF products will be using a cloudmask generated in degraded mode during 16 July, between 12-18UTC.
InformationLSA SAF backlog-processing.   (2009/06/26 12:43)
Due to the large problems, that affected the LSA SAF production over the last couple of months, a backlog-processing is being prepared. It is schedule to start in the beginning of August and finished by the end of October. All users interested in the backlog-processed products can request it to the HelpDesk or use the website catalogue to retrieve them.
ImportantAlbedo product with incorrect values.   (2009/06/25 18:30)
The Albedo product was generated with incorrect values for the European area, during the period 28th April to 18th June, this also affected the VEGA (FVC, LAI and fAPAR) and DSSF products. The problem is corrected and this period will be back-processed.
InformationLSA SAF outage.   (2009/06/09 18:32)
Due to an anomalous behaviour of a LSA SAF component, there was an outage from 08-06-2009 at 22:00 (TimeSlot) till 09-06-2009 at 08:45 (TimeSlot). Nominal service was resumed at 09:00 (TS).
UpdateService disruption and problems   (2009/06/05 18:08)
The LSA SAF system has reached a level of stability that allows nominal service. Several adjustments were made in order to make the LSA SAF system more robust to perturbations of the network. The Data Base machines were also upgrade with a significant gain in performance. The problems that are affecting the IM network and/or the archive system are not yet understood in detail. The on-going tests to those infrastructures will, hopefully, provide an answer in the near future. A full report is being prepared. Please, also take note that due to the on-going tests, there is a risk of small unannounced interruptions.
InformationService disruption and problems   (2009/05/26 17:55)
Following an upgrade to the archive system at 27/4/2009, the landSAF system has had serious problems, with missing slots for some products. We are doing the utmost to solve these problems but, at this moment, it is not possible to predict when we will resume a normal level of service.
InformationMaintenance intervention    (2009/04/27 21:55)
A maintenance intervention, consisting on the upgrade of several components of the IM archive system, will take place tomorrow (28/04/09) between 06:00 UTC and 18:00 UTC. There is a possibility of interruptions to the LSA SAF production during this period.
Information LSA SAF outage   (2009/04/21 19:44)
Due to electrical problems in our DataCenter the LSA SAF production was interrupted from 12:30 to 17:00 UTC.
InformationProduct development status   (2009/04/21 18:30)
The Vegetation products (LAI, fAPAR and FVC) and the Snow Cover product are now classified as operational. The Evapotranspiration product is now classified as development.
InformationNew algorithm version    (2008/08/11 15:43)

FRP-PIXEL v0.91:

- Added feature: generation of the FRP List product in kml format to be displayed on GoogleEarth.
InformationNew algorithm version    (2008/07/23 18:24)

FRP-GRID v0.16:

- Fixed bug: handling of empty FRP List input files.
InformationNew algorithm versions    (2008/07/07 19:18)
LST v7.0:

- Computation of pixel-to pixel error bars.
- Modifications to the input/output interfaces.

EM v7.1:

- Computation of pixel-to pixel error bars for all SEVIRI channels.

DSSF v1.15:

- Attribute Level-processing changed.

AL2 v6.2:

- Attributes modified to be compliant with POF 2.2:
     version = 6.2

- ludcmp.f90
     problem with compilers due to bad source codesupposed to be fixed now.


- A new formulation for the atmospheric correction
- A new MSG radiance definition (from the old monochromatic to the effective radiance)
- LSA SAF Regions limits read dynamically from the data

FRP-GRID v0.15:

- Fixed bug on the Latitude and Longitude grid value.
InformationLSA SAF outage   (2008/05/20 18:24)
Due to the outage of MSG data from EUMETSAT, the LSA SAF production was interrupted from 05:00 to 06:15 UTC and then from 11:00 to 11:15 UTC.
InformationPossible difficulties in accessing the   (2008/05/20 18:14)
Due to technical difficulties the planned IP change of was postponed to a date to be defined.
InformationPossible difficulties in accessing the   (2008/05/19 19:05)
Due to an internal reorganization, the will change its IP address to During this process, that will take place on 20-05-2008, some difficulties in resolving the names are expected. If this happens please use the IP address instead.
InformationLSA SAF outage   (2008/05/14 19:19)
Following the Met-9 outage and it's replacement by Met-8, a problem with the VCS satellite reception system configuration led to a LSA SAF production interruption from 200805132100 to 200805141730 UTC, time at which nominal service was resumed.
InformationNew algorithm versions   (2008/05/05 16:23)
SDP v3.11:

 Main Changes:
- This version is prepared to compute either spectral or effective radiances, as disseminated by Eumetsat
- The central wavenumbers for MSG1 & MSG2, and the alfa and beta parameters used to convert from radiances to brightness temperatures are the ones documented in EUM/OPS/TEN/05/2556 "On the Conversion from radiances to equivalent brightness temperature"
- Attributes IMAGE_AQUISITION_TIME and PIXEL_SIZE at VAA & VZA files have been corrected
- VAA, VZA, LAT & LON are now processed for all pixels (land, inlandwater & water)
- The time field on quasi-static file names (LAT, LON, DEM, LWMASK & LANDCOV) is now the time slot of input data instead of the nominal product time

VEGA v2.1

- HDF5 attributes. The attributes have been adapted to the new definition given in the POF v2.2 (7 March 2008).

- Error of the products. The error computation has been reformulated, in order to  increase the reliability of the error bars. The current formulation is provided in the SAF/LAND/UV/VEGA_PUM/2.1.

- Product coverage and associated quality flags. One major difference of the current VEGA v2.1 version, compared with the previous one (v2.0) is that areas with low quality inputs are ot processed (in the v2.0 version problematic areas were processed and, therefore, users are advised to use associated quality information  described in /SAF/LAND/UV/VEGA_PUM/2.0- to discard unusable estimations). The use of a more restrictive threshold for masking unreliable inputs (e.g. presenting large input errors or unidentified residual snow) guarantees the reliability of the VEGA v2.1 estimates. Details are summarized in tables 7 and particularly 8 of the SAF/LAND/UV/VEGA_PUM/2.1.


Handling of the new Channel ID coding in the LSA SAF Pre-processing.
InformationLSA SAF outage   (2008/05/05 15:22)
Due to the outage of MSG images, caused by a problem in the satellite reception system, the LSA SAF system production was interrupted from 00:00 till 13:00 UTC on the 05-05-08.
InformationDSSF production resumed   (2008/04/18 17:07)
DSSF & ET production were resumed at 10:30 UTC (18-04-2008)
InformationDSSF production halted   (2008/04/17 15:28)
Due to a problem with the DSSF product (since April 7th and detected on April 10th), the operational production, of this algorithm, is halted until further notice. Consequently, the ET production is also affected.
InformationNew algorithm versions    (2008/04/11 16:59)
SDP MSG v3.10

- The attribute that identifies the spectral channels within the Radiance and Brightness Temperature files has been changed.
The following correspondence between MSG channels and the SPECTRAL_CHANNEL_ID attribute is now adopted:
MSG CHANNELS:                     [006]     [008]      [016]   [039]    [062]     [073]    [087]    [097]    [108]    [120]    [134]
SPECTRAL_CHANNEL_ID:     [  1  ]    [   2  ]    [   4  ]    [  8  ]    [ 16 ]    [  32 ]    [ 64 ]    [128]    [256]    [512]    [1024

- The Radiance scaling factor has been changed to 1E2, which means that  radiance units are now mW m^-2 sr^-1 (cm^-1)^-1

DSSF v1.13:

Some attributes have been corrected.


- Minor changes in global attributes to maintain the coherence with the last version of POF document (v2.2)

MSG/ARDRP-Clima - v1.3:

- Minor changes in global attributes to maintain the coherence with the last version of POF document (v2.2)


- All fields are now interpolated to MSG resolution with the bilinear method.
- Minor changes in global attributes to maintain the coherence with the last version of POF document (v2.2)

MSG/SA - v3.3:

- Minor changes in global attributes to maintain the coherence with the last version of POF document (v2.2)

ImportantSchedule maintenance on 07 April 2008   (2008/04/04 23:38)
Following the last electric intervention (03-03-08), some adjustments need to be done. As a consequence the Archive and the LSA SAF systems will be shutdown on 07-04-08. The intervention is expected to last for 7 hours starting at 08:00 UTC.
ImportantExtended schedule maintenance on 03 March 2008    (2008/02/29 15:31)

This extended maintenance will include:

     LSA SAF essential maintenance - The intervention shall start at 09:00 UTC and is expected to last for 3 hours.

     Electric intervention - The intervention shall start at 09:30 UTC and is expected to last for 1 hour.

     Archive upgrade - The intervention shall start at 10:00 UTC and is expected to last for 5 hours.

     Resuming operational status - Expected time 1 hour.

 During this period (09:00-18:00 UTC) the LSA SAF system will be affected.

InformationLSA SAF notification   (2008/02/27 14:37)
EUMETSAT informs that due to sun co-linearity between 26/02/08 and 05/03/08 there is a risk of interruption to all EUMETCast services between 11:15 and 15:00 UTC.

This interruption may affect the LSA SAF.

ImportantSystem Stop on Monday - 11 February 2008   (2008/02/08 16:47)
Due to essential maintenance of several IM systems, that will take place Monday - 11/02/08, the LSA SAF system will extraordinarily stop. The intervention shall start at 10:00 UTC and is expected to last for 4 hours.
InformationMSG images    (2008/02/06 18:58)
EUMETSAT warned, on 06/02/2008, that from 14.15 until 14.45 UTC Meteosat 9 data was disseminated with invalid Calibration data. From 15.00 until 15.45 data was disseminated with non nominal geometric quality. From 16.00 UTC nominal quality was resumed.
InformationNew version of the SC2   (2008/01/28 18:55)
A new version (2.05) of the SC2 was implemented as of TimeSlot=14:45.
ImportantSystem Stop on Monday - 28 January 2008   (2008/01/25 12:46)
Due to essential maintenance, that will take place Monday - 28/01/08, the LSA SAF system will stop. The intervention shall start at 10:00 UTC and is expected to last for 3 hours.
ImportantSystem Stop on Monday - 07 January 2008    (2008/01/04 21:23)
Due to essential maintenance, that will take place Monday - 07/01/08, the LSA SAF system will stop. The intervention shall start at 14:00 UTC and is expected to last for 3 hours.
InformationNew version of the SDP (MSG)   (2007/12/19 10:38)
The new version (3.8) of the HRIT Preprocessing package includes the following features: - The parameters for the Radiance to Brightness Temperature conversion have been updated; - New attributes have been included, namely: - NOMINAL_LONG - satellite position (longitude) computed with the information of the acquisition times, read from the epilogue - NOMINAL_LAT - satellite position (latitude) computed with the information of the acquisition times, read from the epilogue - MEAN_SSLAT - satellite position (longitude) for the processed area - MEAN_SSLON - satellite position (latitude) for the processed area - PLANNED_CHAN_PROCESSING - indicates what is the representation of the data (1 - spectral radiance; 2- effective radiance)
InformationWebsite version   (2007/12/03 17:51)
The Website version has been reverted to the one that was implemented on 2007/11/05. For more information about the updates see Website release update news entry.
ImportantSystem Stop on Monday - 03 December 2007    (2007/11/30 11:29)
Due to essential maintenance, that will take place Monday - 03/12/07, the LSA SAF system will stop. The intervention shall start at 10:00 UTC and is expected to last for 3 hours.
InformationWebsite Downgrade    (2007/11/09 12:16)
Due to technical problems, the website has been reverted to the previous version.
InformationWebsite release update   (2007/11/05 13:23)
The Static Data & Tools menu is now separated into two tabs - one tab for Static Data and another for the Tools. Access to Products Description modified. It's now possible to access directly a specific product description without using the tabs. The table of contents of each product Description has now direct access to the concerned documentation. Consortium logos updated. Fully-Operational concept has been removed.
ImportantSystem Stop on Monday - 05 November 2007    (2007/10/31 11:13)
Due to essential maintenance, that will take place on Monday - 05/11/07, the LSA SAF system will stop. The intervention shall start at 09:00 UTC and is expected to last for 4 hours. After that the LSA SAF system will resume its normal operation.
InformationLSA SAF system possible dissemination interruptions on 19/10/2007.   (2007/10/18 17:52)
Due to connectivity difficulties, which are affecting e-mail, FTP's, ... there is a risk of interruptions to the dissemination of the LSA SAF products. This connectivity difficulties have been going on since 18-10-2007 03:00 UTC and are expected to last another 24 hours.
ImportantLSA SAF System production stop on 26/09/2007.   (2007/09/25 14:59)
Due to essential maintenance of the electric switchboard of the IM Data Center, that will take place on Wednesday 26/09/07, the LSA SAF system will stop the production. The intervention shall start at 09:00 UTC and is expected to last for five hours.
ImportantSystem Stop on Wednesday the 22nd of August.   (2007/08/21 18:56)
Due to essential maintenance of the LSA SAF system, the production will stop. The intervention shall start at 15:00 UTC and is expected last for 4 hours.
Atentiontitle   (2007/06/06 19:52)
Due to essential maintenance, the products before 2007-01-01 will not be available until further notice.
ImportantLSA SAF system possible interruptions on 22/05/2007.   (2007/05/21 16:12)
Due to essential maintenance and upgrade of the IM network, that will take place on Tuesday 22/05/07, there is a high risk of production interruptions of the LSA SAF System. The intervention shall start at 10:00 UTC and is expected last until 17:00 UTC. After that, some minor interruptions may still occur as a result of configuration adjustments.
InformationLSA SAF system stop.   (2007/04/10 16:08)
Taking advantage of the MSG Satellite switch several maintenance interventions have been schedule for tomorrow (11/04/07). The LSA SAF system will be shutdown at 1230 UTC and is expected to resume normal operation at 1600 UTC.
NoteTitle   (2007/03/29 15:44)
Some LSA SAF products appear as available to download but the download will not succeed due to an archive problem. The intervention to solve this problem is on going.
NoteLSA SAF documentation repository is temporarily unavailable   (2007/03/27 17:03)
Due to technical problems the access to the LSA SAF documentation repository is temporarily unavailable. If you need a specific document please address your request to LSA SAF Helpdesk
InformationLSA SAF system possible interruptions.   (2007/03/01 15:32)
Due to sun co-linearity between 28/02/07 and 06/03/07, MSG images may not be available for slots 12:15 and 12:30 UTC. All products and areas may be affected.
InformationLSA SAF website improvements   (2007/02/28 12:26)
The LSA SAF web site in the last 2 weeks had major enhancements: The home page was rearranged and includes now the composition of the LSA SAF consortium for the CDOP phase (2007-2012). The validation report (VR) document is now available. The search functionality is again available. The generation of the image previews for the LSA SAF products is now corrected.
InformationLSA SAF system has resumed nominal production.    (2007/02/21 13:28)
The No Break (UPS) tests were successfully and the problems that led to the system failures on the 14th and the 15th are now identified. The LSA SAF system has resumed nominal production at 13:00 UTC on 21/02/07.
ImportantLSA SAF system possible interruptions on 21/02/07.   (2007/02/19 17:55)
Due to essential maintenance and testing of the NoBreak System (UPS), that will take place on Wednesday 21/02/07, there is a high risk of production interruptions of the LSA SAF System. The intervention shall start at 10:00 UTC and is expected last for 3 hours.
ImportantLSA SAF system possible interruptions.   (2007/02/10 16:30)
Due to essential maintenance and upgrade of the VCS system, that will occur from 12/02/07 at 08:00 UTC to 16/02/07 at 18:00 UTC, there is a medium risk of production interruptions of the LSA SAF System.
InformationProducts Available   (2006/12/19 13:10)
The LSA SAF products, archived since 01 Mar 2005, are now available for download. However the system is working in a degraded mode and in some cases the products appear as available to download but the download will not succeed. The intervention on the archive system is on going and is scheduled to finish by the end of January 2007.
InformationProducts Available   (2006/12/19 12:52)
The LSA SAF products, archived since 01 Mar 2005, are now available for download. However the system is working in a degraded mode and in some cases the products appear as available to download but the download will not succeed. The intervention on the archive system is on going and is scheduled to finish by the end of January 2007.
InformationAL2-PUM   (2006/12/18 17:57)
There is available a new version (v1.4) of this document.
WarningOff-line distribution problems   (2006/12/14 13:48)
Due to the update of the Archive System the off-line distribution service was interrupted. Nominal operations distribution are expected to resume before the end of the Month.
WarningOff-line distribution problems   (2006/12/14 13:48)
Due to the update of the Archive System the off-line distribution service was interrupted. Nominal operations distribution are expected to resume before the end of the Month.
InformationDissemination through web site   (2006/12/11 11:18)
The products dissemination through the web site is temporary unavailable.
InformationArchive system maintenance.   (2006/11/29 18:59)
The 2nd phase of the upgrade of the IM archive system will start tomorrow (2006/11/30) and is expected to last for 2 weeks. Although no system stop is schedule, there is a potential for small interruptions.
InformationLSA SAF system production resumed (2006/11/16 15:00)   (2006/11/17 10:45)
The No Break system intervention finished successfully! The LSA SAF system has resumed its normal production.
ImportantSystem Stop on Thursday 16 November 2006   (2006/11/13 16:36)
Due to maintenance of the NoBreak System, that will take place on Thursday 16/11/06, the LSA SAF system will stop. The intervention shall start at 10:00 UTC and is expected last for 3 hours. After that the LSA SAF system will resume its normal operation.
InformationLSA SAF system production resumed (2006/11/08 15:45)   (2006/11/08 17:55)
The archive intervention finished successfully! The LSA SAF system has resumed its normal production.
ImportantSystem Stop   (2006/11/07 12:57)
Due to maintenance of the Archive System, that will take place tomorrow ? Wednesday 08/11/06, the LSA SAF system will stop. The intervention shall start at 09:00 UTC and is expected last for 3 hours. After that the LSA SAF system will resume its normal operation.
InformationLSA SAF system production resumed (2006/11/02 16:00)   (2006/11/02 17:54)
The LSA SAF system as resumed normal production after the maintenance intervention.
ImportantSystem Stop   (2006/11/02 12:17)
In the sequence of the database maintenance the system will stop for about 2 hours (2006-11-02). The Stop is schedule to be done in the morning period.
ImportantSystem Stop   (2006/10/24 18:20)
In the sequence of the database maintenance the system will stop for about 2 hours tomorrow (2006-10-25). The Stop is schedule to be done in the morning period.
ImportantScheduled interruptions on Tuesday 24 October 2006   (2006/10/23 13:56)
Due to an maintenance in the LSA SAF system database, that shall take place on Tuesday 24 October 2006 it is foreseen an interruption on the system. The intervention shall start at 8:30 UTC (9:30 Local time and 10:30 CEST) and is estimated in about 3 hours of intervention time. After the system will resume and is expected another 3 hours of degraded performance (reconstruction of database will run in parallel). The full nominal operations shall be resumed by the end of the day (after of about 6 hours of total intervention time).
InformationDSSF-PUM   (2006/10/19 16:24)
DSSF-PUM: There is available a new version (v1.4) of this document.
InformationAlbedo Product Special Note   (2006/10/17 10:00)
Albedo product corrupted from 19 September to 2 October. Due to a system malfunction the albedo product was not correctly generated during this period and should not be used. The quality of the product will now gradually recover.
InformationMSG1   (2006/10/10 11:54)
Due to the switching back to MSG1 the system may have some failed slots.
InformationLSA SAF system is partially stopped   (2006/10/04 12:59)
The system was partiality stopped due to some problems with archive backend system. The LSA SAF team are now working to overcome the problem
InformationThe LSA SAF system is now resumed   (2006/10/02 19:20)
The LSA SAF system resumed its normal processing, recovering actions on the IM archive are planned.
InformationUpdate on the Status of the Meteosat 0 degree Service   (2006/10/02 18:21)
Latest news about MSG1 / Meteosat8 are in the following link:
InformationThe LSA SAF system is now stopped.   (2006/10/02 13:53)
The system was stopped yesterday (01:00 UTC) because a problem availibility in the IM archive. The archive supplier is now solving the problem.
InformationMSG1 Latest Reported Status   (2006/09/29 10:53)
Latest available information at: The LSA SAF system is now working using MSG2 pictures, the MSG input data will be switch to MSG1 pictures as soon as it become avalaible.
InformationMSG1 Problem   (2006/09/25 12:04)
The problems generated by MSG1 malfunction has affected the system which stopped the production. The system was reconfigured to work with MSG2 and is ready to start. Unfortunately the NWC System is not prepared to work with MSG2, therefore the LandSAF system cannot be launched. As soon as the NWC works with MSG2 the system will be launched.
InformationEnd of system intervention   (2006/09/18 22:42)
The system is fully operational.
InformationIntervention (2006/09/18)   (2006/09/18 11:15)
The system will have new improvements for the next hours. It's possible to have failures.
InformationThe system is now fully-functional!   (2006/09/15 19:16)
The maintenance intervention is now completed and the system is now generating its products. Several updates were made: - Network improvements - Archive improvements - System upgrade (evolution of science algorithms) - NWC computer moved to Operations Room. It is possible that some products have processing failures in the following days.
InformationSystem unavalability   (2006/09/14 22:10)
System maintenance on the system network (Upgrading the gateway systems). The system will remain unavailable until the intervention is considered completed
InformationSystem now available   (2006/09/14 19:05)
End of the network intervention. The network gateway system has been upgraded.
UpdateSystem maintenance intervention (2006/09/14)   (2006/09/14 12:33)
System maintenance on the system network (Upgrading the gateway systems).
UpdateSystem Maintenance Intervention (2006/09/11)   (2006/09/11 10:48)
The system stopped Friday, 2006-09-08 at 23:00 UTC, the LSA SAF system will recover before 2006-09-12 18:00 UTC.
InformationAccessing to the products before July 2006   (2006/08/09 12:51)
Due to some problems with the Archive system, the products generated before July 2006 may be temporaly unavailable. The EMC2 is working on the problem in order to solve it as fast as possible.
InformationSystem operational   (2006/08/03 17:43)
The system is now operational.
InformationSystem Maintenance   (2006/08/02 22:19)
The System is under maintenance and can have interruptions.
Special NoteSystem Maintenance Intervention (2006/07/06)   (2006/07/05 16:44)
It is planned a maintenance intervention for tomorrow starting at 09:00 UTC and ending at 18:00 UTC. This intervention will stop the LSA SAF normal processing.
InformationSystem maintenance intervention (22/06/2006)   (2006/06/22 16:36)
The VCS workstations and the IM archive will have maintenance actions next week starting Monday 26/06/2006 to Friday 30/06/2006. The LSA SAF system will have potential processing gaps during this maintenance intervention.
InformationPotential website unavailability   (2006/05/10 16:29)
In the next 2 days it's possible to experience some unavailability fromw the website, this is due to a intervention to make some server improvements
InformationProducts Generation resumed   (2006/03/11 18:09)
The products generation was resumed today (17:00 UTC) after the breakdown occured yesterday (19:30 UTC).
InformationPotential unavailibility of products catalogue   (2006/02/16 11:15)
The products catalogue can potentially be unacessible due to a ungoing maintenance intervention on the LSA SAF web site.
InformationECMWF Pre-Processing algorithm update.   (2006/02/14 14:16)
The pre-processing of ECMWF data is now performing a temporal interpolation: the data are available in an hourly basis instead 3-hourly.
InformationTemporary Catalogue Unavailabity   (2006/02/07 09:00)
Since last night (20060206) until the morning of 20060207, it was noit possible to access the LSA SAF products, This was just a web site problem and not of the LSA SAF System. All the products were produced and are now available to download throw the catalogue page.
InformationMaintenance and upgrade intervention   (2006/02/02 14:53)
The LSA SAF system was stopped for enabling a maintenance intervention on the archive front end. The LSA SAF system will recover at 19:00 UTC.
InformationPotential breaks in products generation   (2006/01/18 17:48)
Due to degraded performance on archive front-end, there can occur product generation gaps.
WarningMSG outage on infrared channels   (2006/01/09 16:56)
According to EUMETSAT, the MSG satellite will have a decontamination intervention starting today (09/01/2006 13:00 UTC). The transcription from EUMETSAT report is the following: "Operations Weekly Schedule Issued on 09/01/06 at 14:39:48 Seq Nr: 2 Planned activities for week 02/2006: Due decontamination of the Meteosat-8 SEVIRI, the following outages on the SEVIRI services are expected in the 2nd week of January 2006: - No SEVIRI images from 13:00 UTC until 15:00 UTC on 09/01/06 - Only SEVIRI visible channels images (HRV, VIS0.6, VIS0.8 and NIR1.6) will be available (quality may be degraded) from 15:00 UTC on 09/01/ 06 until 11:00 UTC on 12/01/06. - No SEVIRI images from 11:00 UTC until 14:00 UTC on 12/01/06. - Degraded IR images from 14:00 UTC on 12/01/06 until 14:00 UTC on 13/01/06. In this period Visible images are available (quality may be degraded). - Full imaging mission resumed on 13/01/06 at 14:00 UTC. - No Meteosat-8 Met products from 09/01/06 at 13:00 UTC until 13/01/06 at 15:00 UTC. On 10/01/06, the timing of the METEOSAT-8 final daily HRV window shift will take place at 16:30 GMT instead of 17:00 GMT." This intervention will disable LSA SAF products generation because they are highly dependent on MSG IR channels.
InformationLSA SAF Preprocessing update.   (2005/12/20 16:15)
The Landcover and Land/Water mask files were updated: some pixels identified by "water" are now correctly identified by "inland water". The major differences between old and new files are on the African "big" lakes and on Caspian sea.
InformationProducts before 09/2005 are again available.   (2005/12/20 10:38)
The products from 03/2005 to 09/2005 were temporarily unavailable due to access difficulties. These difficulties were removed allowing users to access this period.
UpdateMaintenance and upgrade intervention   (2005/12/12 15:58)
As planned the system was shutting down for allowing the intervention on MSG satellite reception station. Tthe intervention started sooner as expected (today, monday, 12/12/2005) and it is predicted to finish tomorrow (13/12/2005).
InformationMaintenance Intervention Tuesday 13 of December   (2005/12/05 13:08)
In the 13 December, Tuesday there will be an intervention in the MSG Receiver station, and the LSA SAF system will be down.
NoteMaintenance intervention   (2005/12/01 15:21)
The system was interrupted from 00:00 to 20:00 UTC. It is now running without any major problems.
UpdateSystem processing restored (23/11/2005)   (2005/11/23 15:43)
The system processing was restored after the EMC2 archive recovering intervention. All products are now generated for Europe region starting at 14:00 UTC timeslot and at 14:45 UTC timeslot for the remaining areas.
ImportantSystem disruption (23/11/2005)   (2005/11/23 00:30)
As planned, the system was shutdown monday for enabling an upgrade in the IM archive. The information given by the archive supplier (EMC2) pointed to a system interruption of 4 hours (Monday from 11:00 to 15:00 UTC) From what EMC2 explained us the upgrade intervention had some serious problems and now we are still waiting for the end of the upgrade intervention and the consequent restore of the IM archive.
UpdateSystem maintenance intervention, monday (21/11/2005).   (2005/11/10 11:42)
The IM archive will have maintenance actions, monday, 21/11/2005, starting at 11:30. The LSA SAF system will have potential processing gaps during this maintenance intervention.
InformationProducts generation restored (09/11/2005).   (2005/11/01 14:32)
The generation of LSA SAF products was compromised by a breakdown in the MSG satellite station. This problem affected all timeslots between 12:45 2005/11/08 and 07:30 2005/11/09.
InformationSystem maintenance intervention (25/10/2005).   (2005/10/25 15:51)
The IM archive will have maintenance actions next thursday 27/10/2005 starting 10:00 GMT. The LSA SAF system will have potential processing gaps during this maintenance intervention.
Update - LSA SAF Products Dissemination (via EUMETCast)   (2005/10/20 11:00)
EUMETSAT will officially start the dissemination of LSA SAF products via EUMETCas using its Ku-band europe service on 2005/10/25.
The available products via this channel are:
- Downwelling Surface Longwave Flux (DSLF)
- Downwelling Surface Shortwave Flux (DSSF)
- Land Surface Temperature (LST)
Special Note: The dissemination format of LSA SAF products is HDF and the file prefix for all disseminated files is "S-LSA_-". (For more detailed information, please consult the POF)
InformationProduct interruption for the NAfr, SAfr and SAme Geographical Areas   (2005/09/13 14:48)
Configuration of new areas in the SAF NowCasting might cause some interruption in the generation of NAfr, SAfr and SAme related products.
InformationMigration of LSA SAF system   (2005/09/13 09:00)
The LSA SAF system is now physically migrated to the IM operations room and is now generating its products.
InformationProducts generation for Africa and America are running again   (2005/09/05 11:49)
Some system problems stop products from being generated for Africa and America zones for time slots between 05:00 and 06:00 UTC time, All products for all zones are now generated without any major problems.
InformationThe LSA SAF is again generating products   (2005/08/23 10:27)
Due to network conditions, the generation of LSA SAF products was interrupted from 22/08/2005 21:30 to 23/08/2005 08:30 (UTC Time).
The problem is now solved and all products are been generated without problems.
InformationLandSAF 2006 User Workshop(2005/08/17 09:00)
The 2nd LSA SAF User Training Workshop will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 8 to 10 March 2006 at the headquarters of Instituto de Meteorologia.
InformationNew algorithm version for Surface Albedo   (2005/08/06 18:00)
A new version of Surface Albedo algorithm is now running, giving improved inputs to the other algorithms (DSSF, DSLF and SC).
InformationProducts for America and Africa geographical areas are again available   (2005/07/20 16:23)
The maintenance intervention is now over and all products for America and Africa are again available
InformationGeneration of products for Africa and America regions interrupted.   (2005/07/20 08:00)
The generation of products for Africa and America is interrupted from 06:00 (UTC) because of maintenance actions made to the system.
InformationProducts for other geographical areas are now available   (2005/07/08 13:53)
Some products are now being produced for other areas than Europe (South Africa, North Africa and South America).
InformationGeneration of LSA SAF products is now without problems   (2005/06/30 19:33)
The generation of LSA SAF products was interrupted from 2005-06-29 19:00 to 2005-06-30 10:00 (UTC time).
The identified causes for this generation pause was:
- Some problems on MSG satellite (reported at EUMETSAT web site).
- A Maintenance intervention made in our MSG reception station.
Both problems seems to be solved and the system is now fully recovered and generating its products without any more problems

The LSA SAF team
InformationThe LSA SAF web site is now up!   (2005/06/24 09:52)
The LSA SAF web site was unavailable from 04:00 to 09:50 (GMT time).
The problem was identified and it is now solved.
InformationNew version of the HRIT to HDF5 pre-processing algorithm   (2005/06/15 17:21)
The ImageAcquisitionTime (=Slot Time) is now being written in the global attributes of SAA and SZA.
InformationThe LSA SAF website is now available!   (2005/06/06 18:00)
The LSA SAF website is now available. It provides the following major services to LSA SAF users:

- Support to LSA SAF users.
- Access to LSA SAF archived products.
- Dissemination of LSA SAF products.
- Monitoring of LSA SAF products generation.
- Useful information about LSA SAF and its consortium.