Downward Surface Shortwave FluxDownward Surface Longwave FluxNet Surface Shortwave Flux
The Downward Surface Shortwave Flux (DSSF) refers to the radiative energy in the wavelength interval [0.3 µm, 4.0 µm] reaching the Earth's surface per time and surface unit. It essentially depends on the solar zenith angle, on cloud coverage, and to a lesser extent on atmospheric absorption and surface albedo. DSSF fields are crucial for a wide number of applications involving scientific domains like weather forecast, hydrology, climate, agriculture and environment-related studies. In numerical weather prediction and general circulation models of the atmosphere, satellite-derived DSSF estimates can either be used as a control variable or as a substitute to surface radiation measurement networks.
Available Products:
The use of LSA SAF products in publications is kindly requested to be duly acknowledged:
[product] was provided by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF; Trigo et al., 2011)
Trigo, I. F., C. C. DaCamara, P. Viterbo, J.-L. Roujean, F. Olesen, C. Barroso, F. Camacho-de Coca, D. Carrer, S. C. Freitas, J. García-Haro, B. Geiger, F. Gellens-Meulenberghs, N. Ghilain, J. Meliá, L. Pessanha, N. Siljamo, and A. Arboleda, 2011: The Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis. Int. J. Remote Sens., 32, 2725-2744, doi: 10.1080/01431161003743199
Product specific citations:
Carrer, D.; Ceamanos, X.; Moparthy, S.; Vincent, C.; C. Freitas, S.; Trigo, I.F., 2019: Satellite Retrieval of Downwelling Shortwave Surface Flux and Diffuse Fraction under All Sky Conditions in the Framework of the LSA SAF Program (Part 1: Methodology). Remote Sens., 11, 2532.
Carrer, D.; Moparthy, S.; Vincent, C.; Ceamanos, X.; C. Freitas, S.; Trigo, I.F., 2019: Satellite Retrieval of Downwelling Shortwave Surface Flux and Diffuse Fraction under All Sky Conditions in the Framework of the LSA SAF Program (Part 2: Evaluation). Remote Sens., 11, 2630.
Geiger, B., Meurey, C., Lajas, D., Franchistéguy, L., Carrer, D., and Roujean, J.-L., 2008: Near real-time provision of downwelling shortwave radiation estimates derived from satellite observations, Meteorol. Appl., 15, 411-420
Available data formats:
Data Server information:
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When available, the Data Record (DR) datasets replace the corresponding Near Real Time (NRT) data in the Data Server for the overlapping period. The DR ensures continuous times series since it is produce with the most recent algorithm version. To obtain NRT data for the DR period plase contact the Help Desk.
Product | Sensor/ Platform | Spatial coverage | Spatial resolution | Temporal Coverage | Temporal resolution | Documentation | Data access | |
MSG Total and | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2004-NRT | 15 min | Access Here | MSG/MDSSFTD | |
MSG DSSF | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2016-2020 | 30 min | Access Here | Contact Help Desk | |
MSG DSSF | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2004-2015 | 30 min | Access Here | ||
MSG-IODC Total | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, Middle East | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2017-NRT | 15 min | Access Here | MSG-IODC/MDSSFTD | |
MSG Daily DSSF | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2004-NRT | daily | Access Here | MSG/MDIDSSF | |
MSG-IODC Daily | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, Middle East | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2017-NRT | daily | Access Here | MSG-IODC/MDIDSSF |
Downward Surface Longwave Flux (DSLF) is the result of atmospheric absorption, emission and scattering within the entire atmospheric column and may be defined as the thermal irradiance reaching the surface in the thermal infrared spectrum (4-100 µm). In clear sky situations DSLF depends on the vertical profiles of temperature and gaseous absorbers (primarily the water-vapour followed by CO2, and others of smaller importance like O3, CH4, N2O and CFCs). However, DSLF is determined by the radiation that originates from a shallow layer close to the surface (about one third being emitted by the lowest 10 meters and 80% by the 500-meter layer). The cloud contribution mainly occurs in the atmospheric window (8-13 µm) and mainly depends on cloud base properties (height, temperature and emissivity).
Available Products:
The use of LSA SAF products in publications is kindly requested to be duly acknowledged:
[product] was provided by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF; Trigo et al., 2011)
Trigo, I. F., C. C. DaCamara, P. Viterbo, J.-L. Roujean, F. Olesen, C. Barroso, F. Camacho-de Coca, D. Carrer, S. C. Freitas, J. García-Haro, B. Geiger, F. Gellens-Meulenberghs, N. Ghilain, J. Meliá, L. Pessanha, N. Siljamo, and A. Arboleda, 2011: The Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis. Int. J. Remote Sens., 32, 2725-2744, doi: 10.1080/01431161003743199
Available data formats:
Data Server information:
Register here to access the LSA-SAF Data Server
When available, the Data Record (DR) datasets replace the corresponding Near Real Time (NRT) data in the Data Server for the overlapping period. The DR ensures continuous times series since it is produce with the most recent algorithm version. To obtain NRT data for the DR period plase contact the Help Desk.
Product | Sensor/ Platform | Spatial coverage | Spatial resolution | Temporal Coverage | Temporal resolution | Documentation | Data access | |
MSG DSLF | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2016-NRT | 30 min | Access Here | MSG/MDSLF | |
MSG DSLF | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2004-2015 | 30 min | Access Here | ||
MSG-IODC | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, Middle East | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2017-NRT | 30 min | Access Here | MSG-IODC/MDSLF | |
MSG Daily | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2016-NRT | daily | Access Here | MSG/MDIDSLF | |
MSG Daily DSLF | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2004-2015 | daily | Access Here | ||
MSG-IODC | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, Middle East | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2017-NRT | daily | Access Here | MSG-IODC/MDIDSLF |
The Net Surface Longwave Flux (DSLF) drives the processes of evaporation, photosynthesis, and heating of soil and air. Radiative processes in the Earth-atmosphere system are essential for maintenance of the atmospheric general circulation. Knowledge of the radiation budgets at the surface and top of atmosphere allows the determination of the radiative forcing of the atmosphere as well as the radiative heating of the surface. Furthermore, the surface net radiation plays a major role in the surface energy balance, which in turn controls near surface temperature and drives several of the biological and physical processes on Earth. The net longwave (NSLF) product is estimated from the downwelling longwave surface flux product (DSLF) and the all-weather LST (LST-AS), which is the main contributor to the upwelling longwave flux.
Available Products:
The use of LSA SAF products in publications is kindly requested to be duly acknowledged:
[product] was provided by the EUMETSAT Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis (LSA SAF; Trigo et al., 2011)
Trigo, I. F., C. C. DaCamara, P. Viterbo, J.-L. Roujean, F. Olesen, C. Barroso, F. Camacho-de Coca, D. Carrer, S. C. Freitas, J. García-Haro, B. Geiger, F. Gellens-Meulenberghs, N. Ghilain, J. Meliá, L. Pessanha, N. Siljamo, and A. Arboleda, 2011: The Satellite Application Facility on Land Surface Analysis. Int. J. Remote Sens., 32, 2725-2744, doi: 10.1080/01431161003743199
Available data formats:
Data Server information:
Register here to access the LSA-SAF Data Server
Product | Sensor/ Platform | Spatial coverage | Spatial resolution | Temporal Coverage | Temporal resolution | Documentation | Data access | |
MSG NSLF | SEVIRI/ MSG | Europe, Africa, South America | 3 km 0.05ox0.05o | 2020-NRT | daily | Access Here | MSG/MNSLF |